Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pressure Ratings/PSI

The other day I was having a conversation with a friend. This person has been instrumental in my life and I have a great deal of respect for him. He was giving me some advice and said that God knew my pressure rating. I asked him to clarify what he meant. He explained that he works in an industry that relies on hoses. There is a pressure rating attached to each hose used. If the pressure in a hose goes beyond the specified limits, the hose will burst. 

A fire hose has a pressure rating measured by PSI. Most of your common fire hoses are constructed of fabric threads that are weaved together to form a shell. Some fire hoses will have a rubber coating on the inside to extend the life of the hose. After a hose is utilized, it is drained and hung to dry. After it is dried it is folded, it is placed back on the fire engine to be used again. Fire hoses are reusable only if they are taken care of by a firefighter. 

Each one of us has a pressure rating. We do not know our pressure rating but God does. Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes life just stinks like a nasty diaper. There are things I have gone through I would not wish on my worst enemy. There were the restless nights; times I felt I could not handle it anymore. There were even the times I felt like bursting the hose by taking my own life. God was always there to show me that He would not give me more than I could bear.

"No temptation has overtaken you that is unusual for human beings. But God is faithful, and he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. Instead, along with the temptation he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to endure it."                                             
1 Corinthians 10:13

Temptations also known as Trials may come in the form of troubles, afflictions, discouragement. I am sure each of us has experienced some of these. With these experiences there is a way out. He said he is faithful and He said we are able to endure it. God knows our pressure rating and He will not give us so much our hoses will burst. God knows how we are constructed and He knows what we can and cannot take. Every trial you go through and endure adds a strand of fabric to our fire hose. In essence, our hose becomes stronger. OK, let me "EJ Sauce" it up some more and break it down for you.

THE FIRE HOSE: The fire hose is you and I. The fabric created piece by piece is formed into a hose that is rated at a certain pressure rating/PSI that can guide water.

PRESSURE RATING/PSI: The pressure is what you and I can take. This is the allowable water pressure designed for each hose. The hose is set at a specified rating that cannot exceed its limits or it will burst and be useless.

WATER: Water is the trials we go through. We can't control the water going though the hose and it takes a specially trained person to do this. This person is a firefighter.

THE FIREFIGHTER: The firefighter is God.

The hose is controlled by a trained firefighter. The firefighter holding the hose is pointing the hose in a direction to allow the water to freely come out. There are times the firefighter is allowing the water to put out fires. Sometimes our trials put out the fires in other people's lives. After the firefighter uses the hose he will ensure that he takes great of the hose. He will hang the hose to dry and to ensure that there is nothing left to deteriorate us so we could be used again. Just because you are going through a trial, it does not mean that God is not there. Some trials you go through are designed to help someone else.

God Bless,

"How Much We Can Bear"
If in your life you are going through
And don't know really what to do
Just call on Jesus he will see you through
For he knows, Jesus he knows

If there is a trial that has come your way
And you are looking for a brighter day
Just call on Jesus he will make a way
For he knows, Jesus he knows
How much we can bear, Jesus he knows how much we can bear

Hezekiah Walker.

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